When someone uses the phrase "an opportunity like this may not happen again" there is a good chance that you are dealing with a seller of photovoltaics or other kind of online scam. Still – also way less frequently – it could be your CSO Andrzej Rozen talking about how cool it would be to move forward with the rebranding of BNA. It is no accident I just gave this oddly precise example. I had to admit that THIS opportunity will not happen again anytime soon.
Let's face it – there are not many times in a career when you have the chance to change the branding of a branding agency (!) which is now almost a quarter of a century old and has permanently changed the collective imagination of Poles – I won't take this opportunity to go into whether it's for the better, because that's not what we're here for (I'm trying to write something reflecting the scale of this challenge for the last 45 minutes and, on top of that, I'm taking the phrases "career opportunity" and "quarter of a century" quite seriously instead of writing 25 years like a normal person, so please bear with me).
Rebranding an organisation you work for, which even worse specialises in branding, is simply a challenging task. It's a bit like doing a face transplant on yourself (the transplant comparison is often used in client meetings – everyone has a little laugh and the atmosphere is instantly way nicer), but the whole thing takes place surrounded by twenty renowned surgeons, each of whom has some opinion on how the operation is going for you, they want to feel heard, and their comments are to be taken into account immediately. You know – big support, a small risk of failure, but could also drive you crazy.
I don't have the slightest desire to repeat such a project anytime soon, but I am proud of us! I had the chance to work with the best in my specialities and it is a great honour! Thank you! And the honour of changing BNA's piss-yellow into something more suitable is priceless.